сряда, 13 октомври 2010 г.

... just another stupid brick in the wall

The US-based Jewish ADL (Anti-Defamation League) has accused rock star Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) of anti-semitism, citing his use of the Star of David hexagram and the dollar symbol in his latest 2010/2011 production of 'The Wall.'
Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has said that using dollar signs and the Star of David in an animation that accompanies the song Good Bye Blue Sky echoes the old stereotype that Jews are avaricious.

на което Роджър отвръща с думите:

"Тhis combination of symbols -- business, money, religions and ideologies -- says Roger Waters, is a
"... point I am trying to make in the song ... that the bombardment we are all subject to by conflicting religious, political, and economic ideologies only encourages us to turn against one another, and I mourn the concomitant loss of life."

Абе тоя Абрахам Незнамсикой от интелигентна провокация не разбира ли? Очевидно не.
Аз видях да валят още и кръстове, полумесеци, мерцедеси, самолети и Шел миди. Отварям вестника и чета за обидени евреи. От "Мерцедес" и "Шел" няма обратна реакция. Кръстовете и полумесеците и те мълчат. Обаче Анти-Defemation лигата се обидила. Мрънкащи малки хора.